Sunday, 19 August 2012

Selamat Hari Raya 2012

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin Kepada WeBUYer sekalian! 

A very touching Hari Raya commercial by BERNAS this year! Entails a story of two orphans making their way home for Raya despite several obstacles. While we enjoy the celebration of all festive seasons, let's not forget about the unfortunates who are unable to celebrate the joy with their dearest family. 

Make this Raya and the upcoming festivals a meaningful one by visiting an old folks home, orphanage, rumah orang cacat and any other homes to spread the love. 

Once again, WeBUY wishes all Muslim WeBUYers Selamat Hari Raya! 

Saturday, 4 August 2012

All in for Datuk Lee Chong Wei

Playing to lose. We would never have expected that to happen in the Olympics this year especially from the China team! 

8 female badminton players (China, South Korea and Indonesia) have being disqualified from Olympics for trying to lose the matches so they could face easier opponents in future matches. ( A strategy which failed big-time!)

Watch the following video to see how one of the matches went... 

On the other hand, Datuk Lee Chong Wei is through to the Olympics Finals and will compete against the Super Dan of China. 

One step closer to gold medal, will Datuk Lee Chong Wei make it this year? We shall see. 

As a 100% Malaysian owned company, WeBUY strongly supports team Malaysia! Malaysia Boleh!